Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Outline of Week 7 Presentation

Topic: Virtual Ethics
Article: Diary of a Webdiarist: Ethics goes Online

Margo Kingston

The article is the diary of an online journalist Margo Kingston.

A new form of journalism

1. Online Journalism and its differences from traditional journalism
2. “Trust” Ethics online
3. Relationship between journalists and readers


1. Anonymity online
2. Offensive articles online
3. Conflicts of interest
4. Plagiarism and corrections

Ethic codes of a Journalist.

Main argument of Margo Kingston:

- Online Journalism differs from Traditional Journalism
1. He possesses absolute power towards his online webdiary.
2. The distance between readers and the author is removed

- Mutual Trust between authors and readers
1. Facts are not created
2. Corrections on the blog


  1. It is appreciated that Kelvin had summarized the article with a clear structure. Also, he had quoted some main argument of the author. After Kelvin‘s presentation, it is quite easy to understand the new form of journalism raised by the author. However, he had focused less on the background of the author, Margo Kingston. Here are some supplementary I would like to share.
    Kingston is a professional journalist and she is best known for her weblog, Webdiary. Webdiary’s mission is “to help meet the unmet demand of some Australians for conversations on our present and our future, and to spark original thought and genuine engagement with important issues which effect us all, to link thinking Australians whoever they are and wherever they live and to insist that thinking Australians outside the political and economic establishment have the capacity to contribute to the national debate.”
    Besides, Margo Kingston set an ethical standard for Webdiary based on the Code of Ethics of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, and also an Editorial Policy. Further details can be found in here:

  2. Just as Kanus mentioned, i think you can further mention a bit about the author Margo Kingston who is a professional journalist, and further discuss what he wrote by "i had absolute power over space", what does this mean and can this apply to all of us as well?

    Overall your outline is well-organized and clear, (can be a little bit detailed though) and you did presented the points in a balance and logical manner.

  3. In this presentation, I ommited the importance for the introduction of the author's background because I am not clear that he is both a journalist and an online journalist.

    In my opinion, in this article, Kingston wanted to show that himself is falling into a dilemma as he is bonded by two different set of rules when he is acting different characters. As a journalist, he can have his own political view. However, when everything goes online, he should make it balance and suitable for different readers to have discussion.

    Therefore, as a journalist, he is a watchdog of the society. As an online journalist, he becomes a moderator.
